Success High School
Design Architect
The Round Rock Success High School is one of the most innovative academic buildings we have designed. The educational program provides a learning environment for students which both facilitates individual learning styles, paces, and needs, and embraces a community of support and collaboration. The flexible accommodates high school students who desire accelerated learning, need evening classes to fit their personal schedules, or are in at-risk situations. The school design to provide maximum flexibility to support varying curriculum and class sizes with flexible provides innovative learning spaces, integrated labs, design studios, small group rooms, and a discovery center that replaces the traditional library. A child care center for student parents also provides a teaching space for the school’s early childhood education curriculum.
The campus incorporates various sustainability strategies designed to achieve a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Silver rating. Serving 300 students in grades 9-12, the 68,000 sq. ft. high school of choice was designed to maximize daylighting and natural views, allows for use of abundant technology throughout the building, and provides comprehensive security. The project received an Architecture Merit Award from the Southern Region Chapter of the Council of Education Facility Planners International.